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INCANDENCE brings innovation to bear on emergent opportunities, via long-term board and advisory assiignments of our principals.

ENEREV5 - Exploring options for the supply of minerals for carbon capture and sequestration, and options for carbon credit initiatives, as part of a vision for a net zero future.

DSF GROUP - Media group building genre-based reader and author communities focused on bestselling and award-winning intellectual property.

NOBLE MINERAL - Strategic advisory for a firm engaged in mineral development and exploration, utilizing an A.I.-enhanced survey platform and big data analytics.


INCANDENCE invests in digital media and publishing, archival technologies and applications, and machine learning and A.I. (large corpus + applied statistical analysis).

WINDRIFT MEDIA - Diversified book publishing, distribution, games, art, films. Projects hit the Wall Street Journal & USA Today bestseller lists, been nominated for Golden Globe & won an Emmy Award

LUNAR CODEX - Curating and archiving contemporary arts, books, music, poetry, and film on the Moon alongside NASA Artemis partners.

AILERON - Investment in firms utilizing applied statistical analysis to big data corpora in pharmaceutical and textual media applications. 

Incandence manages a portfolio of technology and media assets
and provides strategic direction for future-facing companies

Incandence = Investment & development + Strategic advisory 

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